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Check in here for news about the projects I'm working on and for upcoming book giveaways and releases.


21 Feb 14
Maelstrom Release

The second book in the Hunter's Navy series is now available in Kindle format on Amazon.  The paperback version will be released soon.

13 Feb 14
Maelstrom Update


The editing process is nearly completed, and I'm starting my final read through before I format the layout for Kindle.  It has been a long road since the release of Hunter's Navy - The Arachni Rebellion and I want to thank everyone for hanging in and waiting for what will be a great follow-up read to the first book.

24 Jan 14
Maelstrom Update


The first draft is completed.  I'm currently in the process of reading through for obvious errors, and also I'm adding some additional plot elements to give Hunter a little more character depth.  Thanks for all the patience in waiting for the sequel.  It will be rewarded.


18 Jul 13
1st Anniversary Giveaway


I'm celebrating the 1st Anniversary of the release of my first book, Hunter's Navy - The Arachni Rebellion by giving it away for free.  Come back on July 25th and click the "Buy It Now" button next to the book on the homepage.  There you'll be wisked away to Amazon where you can download it straight to Kindle for FREE!  That's cheaper than a cup of joe!  So mark your calendars for July 25th and I'll see you then.

12 Jun 13
Maelstrom Update


Fear turns to obsession as Hunter's mission draws to its climax.  Things are really starting to heat up for Hunter and his crew.  Tough times are ahead as Hunter learns some disappointing news regarding his mission and that a new menace has been loosed upon the galaxy.  Will this new development spell disaster for the Galactic Empire? 

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